Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has taken a significant step towards empowering women in the province by launching the Chief Minister Transport Programme for Women. The initiative involves providing 76 buses to girls' colleges across Punjab, ensuring safe and reliable transportation for female students.
In the initial phase of the program, 19 buses were distributed to college principals in tehsils facing transportation challenges, such as Bhakkar, Sialkot, and Hasilpur. This move aims to address the difficulties faced by female students in accessing education due to limited transportation options.
The Punjab government plans to expand the program in two more phases, with additional buses being provided to girls' colleges by April 2025. This will further enhance access to education for female students throughout the province.
During the launch event, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif personally inspected the buses and expressed her commitment to providing the best possible facilities for female students. She also considered the possibility of adding air-conditioned buses to the fleet, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant commuting experience.
In a separate meeting with the Portuguese ambassador, the Chief Minister directed authorities to redesign incentive packages for foreign investors. This move is aimed at attracting more international investment to Punjab and boosting economic development.